Digital Mining Hub Bergslagen

Purpose and goal In the preliminary study, we want to create a long-term strategy for building an internationally competitive mining cluster in Bergslagen. The preliminary study will describe the current situation with which…

Numeric modelling of blasting and gravity flow in sublevel caving mines

Purpose and goal The aim with this project is to develop a numerical model to assess both blast-induced fragmentation in a semi-confined situation and the gravity flow characteristics of fragments in sublevel caving…

Innovative DTH drill monitoring a pre study

Purpose and goal The purpose of this project is to evaluate the potential of MWD technology for pneumatic Down-The-Hole (DTH) drilling which is common in many open pits. The specific objectives are to…

Distributed acoustic optical fiber sensor for conveyor belts health monitoring

Purpose and goal The main purpose of the project is to investigate methods to effectively monitor real-time mining conveyor conditions using distributed optical fiber sensors. The project aims to verify the possibility of…

MachineHealth: Towards healthy machines and predictive maintenance with AI

Purpose and goal This project will conduct a feasibility study to understand the requirements for monitoring machine health in the mining environment. With the latest announcements of new technology, AI algorithms will be…

Stochastic mine design

Purpose and goal Geological uncertainty has a significant impact on the real value of mining projects. A new approach is proposed for designing open pit mines based on geological uncertainty that combines stochastically…

Improving data quality for LCC predictions with cloud services

Purpose and goal The purpose of the IDQfLCC project is to: 1. Develop a data quality assessment framework of the MAXIMO database. The framework includes three essential aspects: diagnostics, prediction and recipies; 2….

Strategies and indicators for mining safety

Purpose and goal The purpose of the project is to improve the safety of the mining industry based on lessons learned, experiences and principles from successful national and international examples, with the goal…

Test and evaluation of mechanical tunneling with TBS

Purpose and goal Mechanical tunneling will improve the competitiveness of the mining sector, as mechanical tunnelling is expected to enable a higher productivity, a more environmentally friendly production process and a safer working…