Join us in shaping the sustainable mining industry of tomorrow – win 600,000 SEK!

Innovation Idea Competition 2024

This is our last Innovation Idea Competition and your last chance to win!

Do you have an innovative idea that can make a difference and can strengthen the development of a sustainable mining industry? Then compete for SEK 600,000 in funding to realize your idea. Together we take it further, and make the industry and the world better!

In Swedish Mining Innovation’s annual Innovation Idea Competition we look for innovative ideas that can strengthen the Swedish mining industry. The competition is a unique opportunity to present your idea and thereby be given the opportunity to realize it. An expert jury chooses the eight most promising innovative ideas that gets to present at the Pitch event in Luleå, June 4th. The winner receives SEK 600 000 for the realization of their idea!

We welcome all kinds of innovative ideas that can contribute to sustainable mining. The idea can come from other sectors and thematic areas that can be applied in mining and metal production industries.

💡 Don’t get hung up on the idea that it has to be a technical solution!
⬛ Dare to think outside the box!

So start thinking now and submit your entry before April 25th!

Who can participate?

The competition is open to all Swedish SME:s (Small and medium-sized enterprises) who have an innovative idea for a more sustainable mining industry.

When and Where

The Innovation Idea Competition 2024 will be held as a physical event at Ljusgården, Aurorum 1C in Luleå, June 4th, 10.00-15.00 CET. The event will be held in English.

Important dates

25/4 Deadline for submitting your application.
16/5 Participants will be notified if they have made it to the pitch event on June 4.
4/6 Pitch event, Innovation Idea Competition 2024, Luleå.
14/6 The winner will be announced.

Assessment criteria

The jury will take into account the following criteria in its assessment.

  • How the idea contributes to Swedish Mining Innovation’s vision and any of the program’s thematic areas in our Roadmap.
  • Potential for development towards a commercial product/service or implementation in business
  • Height of innovation and value-creating potential
  • Opportunities for continued financing until the finished product or service
  • The team behind the idea, and its composition
  • Swedish Mining Innovation is looking for ideas that are at technical development level TRL 4-7.

Information about winning

  • One or possibly two ideas will be named winners (SEK 600 000 for each winning idea)
  • The winner/winners selected is entitled to funding if they meet Vinnova’s requirements. Innovation ideas that have already received funding from Vinnova are not eligible for funds
  • Winners will have to submit a detailed project plan for how they intend to use the funding, as well as what activities they are planning for taking their innovation to the the next stage of development
  • Only Swedish SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) are eligible for funding

Do you want to be in the audience?

The final of this year’s Innovation Idea Competition will be held at Ljusgården, Aurorum 1C in Luleå, June 4th, 2024. The event will be free of charge but registration is needed.

Join us at the Pitch event!

Program June 4

10.00  Coffee and mingle

10.30  Welcome
Charlotte Andersson, Program Director & Niclas Dahlström, Senior Program Manager, Swedish Mining Innovation

10.35    Financing opportunities Swedish Mining Innovation, Metals & Minerals and Vinnova
Lawrence Hooey, Technology and Innovation Manager, Swedish Mining Innovation
Eva Ahlner, Senior Advisor, Vinnova

10.50    Last year’s winners
MycoMine, Magnus Ivarsson & Björn Ohlsén

11.05    Introduction of the Innovation Idea competition and the jury
Lotta Sartz, Senior Project Manager and Chairman of the jury, Swedish Mining Innovation Bergslagen
Niklas Dahlström, Senior Program Manager, Swedish Mining Innovation

11.15    Four pitches
6 min/pitch and room for questions

12.15  Mingel lunch
Meet SME Network manager Erik Hagenrud and Lars Teglund, Communications Manager for Metals & Minerals

13.00    Four pitches
6 min/pitch and room for questions

14.00    Swedish Mining Innovations SME network  
Erik Hagenrud, SME Network Coordinator, Swedish Mining Innovation

14.15    International opportunities
Lawrence Hooey, Technology and Innovation Manager, Swedish Mining Innovation

14.30   Closing words

14.30-15.00  Coffee

Join us at the Pitch event!



The Jury of 2024

Lotta Sartz, Chairman of the jury.

I´ve been involved in the innovation idea competition before, but this is my first time as chairman of the jury, which I think is super exciting and I feel very honored. The Innovation Idea Competition is one of the program´s flagships, a real enabler for innovation that contributes to development of new technologies and new ways of thinking”.

  • Lotta Sartz, Swedish Mining Innovation Bergslagen (Chairman of the jury)
  • Théo Berthet, Business Development Manager, EIT Raw Materials
  • Susanne Eriksson Rostmark, External FoI Collaboration manager, LKAB
  • Katarina Öquist, R&D Manager Technology and Innovation Underground Division, Epiroc
  • Lars Wallgren, Acting Environmental Manager and Development strategist, Kaunis Iron
  • Anders Sand, Research Manager, Boliden Mines
  • Keith Taylor, Global Program Manager, Business Sweden

Everyone gets something out of participating!

Even if you do not win or reach the final, you will still get something out of participating in Swedish Mining Innovation’s Innovation idea competition!

All that have submitted an idea will be offered a follow-up meeting with Swedish Mining Innovation’s program office. At the meeting, we try to find new opportunities for development, collaborations and financing.


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us!

Niclas Dahlström
Cathrine Svakko

Project Manager Communications/Event

Lotta Sartz

Senior Project Manager and Chairman of the jury

Erik Hagenrud

SME Network Cooordinator

Previous winners

Matt Baida and Frida Holst, VAST. (image at the top).
Björn Ohlsén, Magnus Ivarsson, Kristoffer Palmgren and Oona Snoeyenbos-West.

VAST and MycoMine – these are the companies behind Sweden’s best innovation ideas for sustainable mining. It is Swedish Mining Innovation’s Expert Jury that annually selects the winners through its innovation idea competition, which was recently held in Luleå.

This year’s innovation idea competition attracted record interest as 25 entries were received. The jury selected eight entries to pitch in front of them and the audience in Luleå on March 15. The jury, which this year included international members, has chosen to appoint two winners.

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Winners 2022

Ida Rehnström, COO Flasheye and
Lukas Crisp, CEO and co-founder of Radchat

Flasheye uses 3D technology to detect and prevent faults and accidents.
– Winning this award is a testimony that we are doing the right thing at the right time. The prize money enables us to proceed with IP and product development. We have high ambitions and are planning to scale globally from the start, says Ida Rehnström, COO Flasheye.

With the help of radar and sensor technology, Radchat offers high precision positioning, ultimately to eliminate accidents and making mines an even safer environment.
– We’re thrilled to be one of this year’s winners in competition against innovative and driven companies. Now we look forward to taking the next step together with industry partners, says Lukas Crisp, CEO and co-founder of Radchat.

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Winners 2021

Thomas Gustavsson, CEO, Hypex Bio Explosives Technology AB and Jesper Martinsson, CTO, RS Solutions AB
Thomas Gustavsson, CEO, Hypex Bio Explosives Technology AB and Jesper Martinsson, CTO, RS Solutions AB

Hypex Bio Explosives Technology AB, “Biodegradable and Nitrate Free Civil Explosives”
Nitrate-free explosives can become a game changer in mining by replacing ammonium nitrate with hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizer. The benefits include lower emissions of nitrogen compounds, significantly reduced CO2 emissions and reduced need for ventilation of the gases produced.

RS Solutions AB, “Bayesian Estimation of Mine Induced Seismicity (BEMIS)”
Mining for ore in underground mines gives rise to seismic activity. BEMIS is a calculation system for seismic events. BEMIS provides fast and accurate information about seismic events, predicts seismic activity based on production plans, creates tomographic images that show changes in the rock mass. BEMIS self-learning algorithms provide a good opportunity to increase safety in the mine and at the same time increase production.

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Winner 2020

Sencept AB
Iman Vakili och Iman Mohajeri, Sencept AB

Iman Vakili och Iman Mohajeri, Sencept AB
Sencept AB, “Intelligent Radar Sensor for Autonomous Mining”

Jury’s motivation: AI and intelligent sensors have a rapidly growing importance for the development of Sweden’s mining industry. Sencept AB has developed a 4D radar sensor that can detect an object’s position in three dimensions and furthermore the speed. AI is used to identify different types of objects such as machines and people. This solution increases productivity while providing a safer and more attractive work environment which contributes to increased gender equality in the long run. It is also positive that there is a well-composed team behind the idea and that there is potential to reach an international market.

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Winners 2019

SIP STRIM’s winner – Atium AB, “Innovation for more efficient and sustainable purification of water from mercury”

Jury’s motivation: Mercury is one of the ten most dangerous substances for human health, according to WHO. At the same time, it is an extensive global problem. Many industries, including the mining industry, handle mercury in process and waste water. Atium AB develops a more efficient and sustainable technology to selectively clean water from mercury with a reusable filter. The method can clean low concentrations in an energy-efficient manner. The idea has a great development potential because purification of mercury is a global need, and there are also opportunities to develop the method for purifying water from other heavy metals.

EIT RawMaterials winner – ReVibe Energy, “Wireless recording and analysis of vibrations and shocks for monitoring equipment in mining and industrial environments”

Jury’s motivation: An innovation that will enable new capabilities for EIT RM value chain in improving maintenance and efficiency by detecting and collecting data with higher accuracy and capacity in a mobile and battery driven environment.

Winners 2018

Winner SIP STRIM – MBV Systems, “3DPM”

Jury motivation: A well performed pitch presenting an idea that addresses an important challenge – real time measurement of granular materials fragmentation. The winning team is highly qualified and the idea has potential to increase both resource efficiency and energy efficiency.

Winner EIT RM – ReVibe Energy AB, “Powering the Industrial Internet of Things”

Jury motivation: A well preformed pitch and highly qualified team with an innovative and potentially power saving technology of high interest for the EIT RawMaterials value chain.

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Winners 2017

WideFind AB, “Noggrann positionering inomhus”

Innan AB, “VRSE System”

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Winners 2016

ThingWave AB, “Enhanced Mining Safety by Rock bolt Monitoring”

Sustainalube AB, “Environmentally Friendly, Oil-Free, Lubricants”

Winners 2015

Minalyze AB, “Potentialen av innovativ borrkärneskanning inom gruv- och prospekteringsindustrin”

Northern Mining Products AB, “Dynamiska bergbultar för människa, miljö och ekonomi”

