Presentationer av pågående projekt 2021
På Swedish Mining Innovations årliga programdag den 5 oktober, så presenterades i stort sett samtliga av programmets pågående projekt. Missade du programdagen eller vill se en presentation igen, så finns de tillgängliga nedan. Presentationerna är på engelska.
Moderator: Niclas Dahlström, Swedish Mining Innovation
9.45, Welcome to Swedish Mining Innovation Program day 2021
- Swedish Mining Innovation, open calls and funding opportunities, Jenny Greberg and Lawrence Hooey, Swedish Mining Innovation
- Information from Vinnova, Rebecca Hollertz, Vinnova
10.00, Selected on-going activities
- Inclusive innovation, Melinda From, RISE
- Swedish Mining Innovation Phd student network, Filip Siman, LTU
10.15, Social sustainability
- MINEDEER, Anna Skarin, SLU
- Metals4U+: Mineral raw materials for a green and digital future, Stefan Sädbom, Bergskraft
- Society´s future needs for metals and minerals for a sustainable and digital society in a 2030 and 2050 perspective, Katarina Persson, Svemin
- National network for mining municipalities, Anna K Kostet, Georange
10.35, Environment impact
- Removal of mercury from sulfuric acid production, Björn Wickman, Chalmers
- Impacts of mining dust deposition on forest biodiversity and ecosystem services (MINEDUST), Jörgen Sjögren, SLU
- Hydrogen Peroxide Emulsion, Tim Hunt, AB Etken Teknologi
- Organosolv lignin hydrophobic nanoparticles as low-carbon-footprint biodegradable flotation collectors, Katerina Hruzova, LTU
- CLImB – Changing Land use Impact on Biodiversity, Carina Andersson, Ecogain
11.00, Paus
11.15, Metallurgy and recycling
- Sustainable REcovVEry of phosphorous from mine tAiLings, Katerina Hruzova, LTU
- Recovery of lithium from the batteries via enhanced chemical transformations using waste carbon and water leaching, Martina Petranikova, Chalmers
- Sulfur removal from sulphur containing iron ores, Mikael Larsson, Swerim
- ROMI: Role of Magnesium in iron oxide pelletizing, Charlotte Andersson, LTU
- Transforming mining residues to valuable products, Hesham Ahmed, LTU
- Prestudy of rocks comminution with very high pulsed microwave power, Dragos Dancila, UU
- Efficient comminution operation (ECO), Andreas Johansson, LTU
- Optimized roasting of complex copper sulphide concentrates for flexible raw material utilization, Caisa Samuelsson, LTU
12.00-13.00, Lunch
13.00, Mining
- Digital-Twin enabled Transition into Electromobility and Autonomy in Construction Equipment (eTWIN), Alessandro Bertoni, Bleking institute of technology
- Numerical Simulation for Optimisation of Rock Drilling and Loading for Mining, Simon Larsson, LTU
- Virtual Reality Based Teleoperation with Adaptive Autonomy for Remote Shared Control of Mobile Manipulators, Andrey Kiselev, ÖU
- Destressing strategies for mining under highly stressed conditions in the deep mines of Sweden, Ping Zhang, LTU
- Safe Remote Drilling through Predictive Modeling of Hydraulic Hoses, Todor Stoyanov, ÖU
- Automated Planning and Coordination of Autonomous Haulers in Underground Mines, Anna Mannucci, ÖU
- G-drones, Anton Koval, LTU
- Automated Drill Planning for Multiple-Boom Rigs in Underground Mining, Shiyu Zhang, ÖU
13.45, Paus
14.00, cont. Mining
- Tracking and Control of Articulated Machines through Remote Sensing, Todor Stoyanov, ÖU
- Improved resource efficiency through dynamic loading control II, Sohail Manzoor, LTU
- High Resolution Magnetic Surveying using UAV, Karl Westerlund, Swedish Geological AB
14.20, Swedish Mining Innovation Innovation Idea Competition
2021 years winners
- Bayesian Estimation of Mine Induced Seismicity (BEMIS), Jesper Martinsson, RS Solutions AB
- Hydrogen Explosives Biodegradable and Nitrate Free Civil Explosives, Thomas Gustavsson, Hypex Bio Explosives Technology AB
14.30-14.45, Summary of the day