Genom ett nätverk av olika typer av företag i branschen kommer vi att besöka potentiella arbetsplatser för doktorander, såsom gruvor, smältverk, myndigheter och laboratorier.

Under dessa workshops beaktas ett specifikt tema som är relevant för studenternas forskning och näringsliv, samt för deras framtida karriärer. Möjliga tematiska områden är:

  • Forskningssamarbete: Gemensamma forskningsintressen, tillgänglig laboratorieutrustning vid svenskt universitet, kompetensutbyte m.m.
  • Vardagen som doktorand: Vetenskaplig publicering, handledning, kurser, omfattningen av doktorandens arbete, disputation m.m.
  • Akademisk karriär:
    Det svenska akademiska systemet, forskningsfinansiering, potentiella samarbeten i framtida projekt etc.
  • Branschkarriär:
    Utveckling av arbetsmarknaden inkl. jämställdhetsfrågor, karriärmöjligheter hos gruv- och prospekteringsföretag i Sverige och utomlands, karriärmöjligheter som konsult och/eller egenföretagare etc.

Inom dessa potentiella teman kommer doktoranderna att ha möjlighet att presentera sina forskningsprojekt samt kurser, utrustning och laboratorier som finns vid deras hemuniversitet.

Kostnader för resa och boende för alla deltagande doktorander kommer att täckas av Swedish Mining Innovation.

Well-attended event when the PhD student network met in Skellefteå, November 10-11 2022


In november, Swedish Mining Innovation held the event: The High-tech Green Industry Transition in Northern Sweden in Skellefteå where the PhD students could meet at a two-day workshop with lectures from different actors in the mining industry, recruiters and investors. They also had the opportunity to listen to presentations of the fellow student’s research. On the second day they made site visits to relevant actors in the value chain for the mining industry.

Filip Simán, PhD student and assistant network coordinator in PhD student network at Luleå Tekniska Universitetet.

Why is it important to create a platform and enable such meetings where Sweden’s doctoral students have the opportunity for collaboration and discussion on topics related to their own research?
-Lots of reasons! Firstly, it’s fun and creates a sense of community among PhD students that do research along the entire mining value chain. Having this community also allows for the exchange of great ideas, for example many of are interested in artificial intelligence and face the same challenges; challenges that I believe have common solutions that are discovered during workshops such as those we host. Finally, I believe this network will be beneficial during our future careers when we undoubtedly will have challenges that we cannot solve alone, it is that much easier to pick up the phone and call a friend you met in the PhD student network.

How can you now continue the work with the network and how do you see it develop in the future?
-Of course, we will continue organising workshops such as those held in Skellefteå. Hopefully, we can also expand our network beyond the current 76 members and especially in universities in southern Sweden. I also see the need for an active alumni network so that contacts forged in our network between PhD students may be maintained for future collaborations.

Emmanuel Alofe

One of the participants at the event was Emmanuel Alofe, doctoral student at the department of earth sciences and geophysics at Uppsala Universitetet.

What value does the PhD student network have for you?
-The network has a tremendous value both for researchers and practitioners. Within researchers, it provides a platform to interact based on our research and different perspective. Personally, I enjoyed the feedback from fresh eyes and ears to my research and this gives me a robust approach to research problems.

What do you most look forward to when it comes to this type of event?
-The collaboration between the industry and the academia where you have others listen to your research and then discuss how it fits with standard industrial practices and/or trends. I usually look forward to the integration of these ideas thereby bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Laura Suarez

Another attending member from the network was  doctoral student in Solid Mechanics at Luleå Tekniska Universitetet, Laura Suarez.

Laura, you were a participant for last week’s event in Skellefteå. What does it mean to get the chance to meet other PhD students at an event like this?
-Events like this are very valuable and I appreciate them enormously. I personally believe that networking is very important for the development of new technologies and for research in general. Sometimes, we as researchers, focus too much on our own investigation and tend to forget that there is a world outside of our labs. SMI PhD network has given me the opportunity to get to know more about my field and colleagues and see mining from a broader perspective. Other PhD students with different ideas and points of view… I cannot be in a better environment to increase my knowledge and get more ideas on how to contribute to industry and society. Every time I attend to one of the workshops, I realise that there is a lot of talent working for the same purpose: a more sustainable mining industry.

Did you get any new insights from this two-day workshop?
-Indeed! I always learn something new. Something I love about SMI workshops is that they cover a specific topic and as a whole they become a powerful tool to understand further and be able to reflect on our own research. This two-day workshop gave me a clear insight of the current status of the materials and workforce needed for an adjustment towards a more sustainable future. We are a group of very intelligent and skilled researchers, but we cannot guard down. We need to keep gathering a strong workforce if we want things to change.

Will you go if there are more events like this in the future?
-Yes! Without any doubt! There is always something new to learn and new people to meet. I have learnt to love networking, thanks to SMI!

Do you want to know more about the network and how to join. Click here!

A summary from the PhD student network’s latest workshop in Bergslagen, May 3-5 2022

On May 3, the Swedish Mining Innovation PhD student network visited the historic mining environments at Sala silvermine in Bergslagen. We learned about ongoing efforts in mining, exploration, tourism and remediation in the area, as well as complexity that arises when these activities are conducted historic environments with both cultural heritage and environmental values.

On May 4, the Swedish Mining Innovation PhD student network visited Boliden’s Garpenberg mine, which is both Sweden’s oldest and most modern mining operation. We had tours in the undergrounds workings and processing plant, and presentations in various topics such as process automation and environmental management. We also discussed the importance of Garpenberg to the local commune.

On May 5, the Swedish Mining Innovation PhD student network visited Western Bergslagen the type locality of REE in the Riddarhyttan area, where the Geological Survey of Sweden is currently assessing the resource potential in historic mine waste. We also had a tour at Lovisagruvan; Sweden’s smallest underground mine, and viewed the recently installed ore sorting facility. In the afternoon we had presentations of various topics related to critical element potential in both primary and secondary resources from various experts.


Back to PhD student network

Nuvarande aktiviteter 2024

Bergslagen Workshop: Balansera kulturarv, resursutvinning och miljövärden i historiska gruvområden.

Vi är glada att kunna meddela att nästa nätverksworkshop är planerad till den 15-17 maj i Bergslagen. Vi kommer att göra en re-iteration av 2022 års workshop i Bergslagen för Swedish Mining Innovation PhD Student Network, men den här gången kommer vi också att besöka Northvolts FoU-anläggning i Västerås, och Ludvikaområdet där Nordic Iron Ore AB och andra arbetar med att återställa gruvbrytningen i ett gammalt gruvområde med många övergivna järngruvor.

Anmäl dig här

(Preliminärt 20 platser).
Sista anmälningsdag: 29 februari (eller tills det är fullbokat).

Företräde kommer att ges till doktorander som inte deltog i föregående workshop i Bergslagen 2022. De senare kan registrera sig men kommer att placeras på en reservlista. Detaljerad dagordning kommer senare. Doktorandnätverkets medlemmar har sina resor till och under eventet + boende och middagar helt täckta av nätverket.

Vänligen ta kontakt med nätverkskoordinatorn:

Vad vi tidigare har gjort i Doktorandnätverket

