4D Radar for Safety Enhancement in Underground Mining


Secept AB


Iman Vakili



Vinnare av innovationsidétävlingen 2021

Syfte och mål

The aim of this project was to increase the technology readiness level to TRL7. This required further development of the radar HW and SW and optimize the functionality for a specific mining application. It also aimed to perform market verifications based on customer specific requirements.

Resultat och förväntade effekter

This project facilitated a rapid development upgrade and also helped us reach a higher customer readiness level. With the help of Vinnova financing, we developed a state of the art SW platform for ultra fast detection of targets in 3D space. Moreover, the radar performance was successfully verified in a pilot project with customer specifications. This project helped us with the marketing and better understanding of the radar applications within the mining industry.

Upplägg och genomförande

This project began with many hours of marketing and meeting with mining OEMs and other stakeholders within the mining value chain to gain a comprehensive understanding of the applications and problems that our solution can address. Then we upgraded the radar SW and HW based on a specific application that was identified with a fast time to market. The last step of the project was to verify the radar performance based on a customer specific application.
