Webinar: How AI can bring value to the mining value chain – from exploration to social aspects

7 April 2022

When: 7 April, 13-15
Where: Digital webinar

Welcome to an inspiring webinar on how AI can bring value to different parts of the mining value chain.

The workshop offers talks from experts, short presentations from the larger companies on how they use AI and panel discussions to reveal previously unknown areas in the mining value chain where AI could bring value, to find the gaps and discuss if and how we could use AI better.


13.00-13.05 Welcome

13.05-13.25 Keynote: Ali Soofastaei, AI program leader, Vale, ”AI application in the mining value chain – opportunities and challenges”

13.25-13.35 Federico Pecora, Örebro University, ”What is at the forefront in AI research right now?”

13.35-13.45 How can AI improve the mining sector, discussion with Håkan Tyni, LKAB and Federico Pecora, Örebro University

13.45-14.25 Short presentations from the larger companies on how they use AI now
Håkan Tyni, LKAb, Ola Pettersson, Epiroc, David Degerfeldt, Boliden, Jan Nyqvist, ABB, Kyra Meyer, Lundin Mining

14.25-14.55 Panel discussions to reveal areas in the mining value chain where AI could bring value, to find the gaps and discuss if and how we could use AI better
Ola Pettersson, Epiroc, Jan Nyqvist, ABB, Mats Tallfors, RISE, Madeleine Martinsen, Mälardalen University, Ivar Simonsson, Epiroc Mining Intelligence, Jan Ekman, RISE
Questions from audience in the chat

14.55-15.00 Wrap-up



Picture: The AI ​​researchers at Örebro University have carried out several research and development projects in collaboration with companies in the mining industry. An example is the AutoBoomer project, financed by Swedish Mining Innovation, where the goal was to use AI to coordinate and optimize the movements on the drilling rig’s arms.


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