ERA-MIN3 & EU Co-funded Joint Call 2021 Launch Event

17 February 2021

Webinar Agenda

Go to webinar – 17th February 2021 14:00-16:00 (CET)

Click on the link below to join the meeting:

First part (14:00 – CET)

Welcome and Introduction to ERA-MIN3

Dina Carrilho (FCT, Portugal)

Testimonial videos of ERA-MIN funded projects

Youtube or GotoStage (Recorded)

Second part (14:30 – CET)

General aspects of the EU co-funded ERA-MIN Joint Call 2021

Jorge Sotelo (AEI, Spain)

Electronic Submission System (ESS) and Partner Search

Holger Grünewald (Jülich, Germany)

NCP presentation and Specific rules and regulations

Ana Luisa Lavado (FCT, Portugal)


(The agenda is tentative and may undergo changes)


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