The winner of SIP STRIM Swedish Mining Innovation Award 2019 is Mobilaris Mining Civil Engineering for their innovative solution Mobilaris Onboard.
The newly established prize was awarded at the Svemin’s Autumn Meeting at Nalen in Stockholm on 27 November. The other two finalists were Boliden for their electric trolley solution and Fortum Waste Solution for their technical innovation in recycling water from the mining industry.
Jenny Greberg, Program Director for SIP STRIM as well as the chair of the jury is very happy to give the award to Mobilaris. – Mobilaris has created a very exciting solution when they have successfully combined existing technologies to create cost-effective and flexible solutions. This is one of the components that enables the paradigm shift the mining industry is facing. Sweden is a world leader in mining technology and Mobilaris solution is an excellent example of Swedish technology development and innovation where new solutions are developed through collaboration between different players in the mining cluster, in this case with Boliden. An innovation with great global potential.
The jury’s motivation reads: The winner of SIP STRIM Swedish Mining Innovation Award 2019 has, through great inventiveness, found a solution that is a prerequisite for the paradigm shift that the mining industry is facing. The innovation has global potential, and is a fine example of Swedish mining innovation at the forefront. With great innovation they have combined existing technologies and created new flexible solutions that are easily integrated into existing systems. The solution, which is a step towards Industry 4.0 in the mining industry, contributes to increased personal safety, fuel savings and increased productivity.
Mikael Nyström and Hans Wahlquist from Mobilaris who were present at the awards ceremony seemed genuinely surprised for the win.
– We had not bet that we would win, but it is actually a fantastic innovation we have developed. It’s a bit like when you came up with the Ipad, you didn’t know you needed it before it was available, says Mikael Nyström, CEO of Mobilaris.
Hans Wahlquist, VP Business Development & Strategic Product Management Mobilaris continues – It is extremely honorable to receive the first prize. Sweden is a world leader and we win this award, it really says that we have produced something good and it feels great fun. So thanks to SIP STRIM, and thank you Boliden! Without Boliden and the cooperation we have with them, this would not have been possible. I almost think we have worked more in Boliden’s mines than the miners themselves have been there.
At the heart of the innovation is the positioning algorithm itself, Mobilaris Hybrid Positioning and the linked product Mobilaris Onboard. The innovation combines technologies that are integrated into existing systems to increase transparency in the mine, which changes how you work with production and process control in the mine. With this solution, vehicles in the mine can now position themselves without additional infrastructures, and when using the navigation system in a passenger car, the driver in the mine is allowed to navigate independently and avoid queuing to optimize traffic and production. Through the transparency achieved, you also get a comprehensive picture of the situation in the mine, which leads to right decisions being made faster. This enables increased productivity and reduced energy and diesel consumption. Via an emergency function, the drivers can also get navigation assistance to the nearest rescue chamber with a single push of a button, which reduces the time for evacuation and increases personal safety.
The jury consisted of Chair Jenny Greberg, Program Director SIP STRIM, Lennart Evrell, Board member SCA, Swedish Enterprise, ICA and Epiroc, Maria Sunér Fleming, CEO Svemin and Margareta Groth, Head of Industrial Development, Vinnova.