Launch: The Swedish mining sector in sustainable futures
Today, Svemin and SEI released the report “The Swedish mining sector in sustainable futures” at a launch seminar at Jernkontoret in Stockholm. The report is part of the joint research project “Mining and minerals in a sustainable future” funded by SIP STRIM. The project has also been a unique meeting place for NGOs, politicians, business leaders, researchers and stakeholders linked to the Swedish mining and mineral industry.
Erika Skogsjö, Svemin och Olle Olsson, SEI lanserar rapporten och berättar om de åtgärdsområden man identifierat.Statssekreterare Emil Högberg, Näringsdepartementet konstaterar att det är glädjande att gruvnäringen ligger så långt fram.Per Ahl, VD Svemin, Måns Nilsson, VD SEI och moderator Emma Härdmark, Kommunikationsansvarig Svemin om samverkan och de olika perspektiv aktörerna fört in till projektet.Mikael Staffas, vd Boliden och Annika E Nilsson, forskare vid KTH.
SIP STRIM annual call 2019 has opened! We can finance pre-studies, full-scale projects and pilot projects that lead to sustainable development in the mining and metal producing industry. Information
On 15-16 May, the 15th Bergforsk- och STRIMdagarna was held at Kulturens hus in Luleå. As usual, the well-established conference attracted a broad audience from Sweden’s mining and minerals industry, as well as…
Release of the strategic research and innovation roadmap for the swedish mining, mineral and metal producing industry
The new strategic research and innovation roadmap for Swedish mining, mineral and metal producing industry was released this morning on the fifteenth version of Bergforsk- and STRIMdagarna. The roadmap, which is updated every…
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