February 14th 2024, 09:00-13:00 (09:00-12:00 digital meeting)
Labbet, Örebro University and digitally via Zoom. It is a hybrid event organized jointly by Swedish Mining Innovation and AI Impact Lab.
There will be talks about digital twins and simulations, and what happens when you connect AI to these systems, both in mining operations and processing. Companies like Epiroc and Algoryx will give interesting examples of how they work together and talk about current projects, researchers from Luleå University of Technology and Örebro University will present research and innovation projects, and SentianAI will give some interesting case studies.
“Digital Twins and Simulators plays a vital role for mining companies already. This will likely only increase the coming years as optimization of operations need to increase, due to declining ore grades and the pressure on reducing emissions. At SentianAI (Part of the Weir group) we use simulators and hybrid models extensively to train our AI models. There are several reasons digital twins/simulators are used, during the talk Sentian will elaborate on a few cases of how they can be used in practical cases”.
Martin Rugfelt, SentianAI
Program AI in Mining
2024-02-14, 09:00 – 12:00 CET
09:00 – 09:10 Welcome and introduction of the program, Visual Lab at Örebro University and Swedish Mining Innovation
Lotta Sartz, Örebro University/Swedish Mining Innovation
09:10 – 09:40 Robotics & automation at the forefront of innovation: The Australian Automation and Robotics Precinct as an enabling facility for accelerating technology development and sustainable operations
Renu Kannu, CORE Innovation Hub, Perth, Australia
09:40 – 10:00 DigiRock – Digital Twin for Rock Drilling
Simon Larsson, Luleå University of Technology
Göran Stenberg, Epiroc
10:00 – 10:40 Automation for face drilling
Oskar Lundberg, Epiroc
Todor Stoyanov, Örebro University
Urban Wikman, Algoryx
10:40 – 10:50 Short break
10:50 – 11:10 Digital Twins in Practical Cases
Martin Rugfelt, SentianAI
11:10 – 11:30 BIM in Mining – Current and Future Potential
Jyrki Salmi, University of Oulu
11:30 – 11:40 A case study of tracing and visualizing CO2 emissions in the metallic value chain
Daniel Eriksson Pitt, ChainTraced
11:40 – 11:50 Trace4Value – Traceability for sustainable value chains
Malin Rosqvist, RISE/SIP PiiA
11:50 – 12:00 Discussion and closing remarks
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch together with participants in afternoon visualization event
“In 2023, and within Digitala Stambanan, an initiative addressing the manufacturing industry’s need for infrastructure to support data exchange was started, ChainTraced collaborated with work package partners SSAB, Bufab, and Nitator. The initiative focused on assessing the benefits and value of exchanging and visualizing data sets such as CO2 emissions, join us as we share our experience and transformation learnings from this collaborative effort together with industry leaders.”
Daniel Eriksson Pitt, ChainTraced
Sign up here!
Contact: Lotta Sartz, lotta.sartz@swedishmininginnovation.se
This is the fourth time we run this event, in 2021 we started off with the webinar “AI – a necessary enabler for sustainable mining production” and in February 2022 the follow-up “How AI can bring value to the mining value chain – from exploration to social aspects”. Last year we levelled up and made this event larger, with more speakers and participants in the venue but still with the possibility to attend digitally, i.e. a hybrid event. Topics in focus were then autonomous vehicles – for safety and production, the twin transition (how we can use digital technologies to support green transition) – how can we make this go faster and be implemented in the whole mine and get everyone onboard, as well as visualization, communication, and the use of AI and visualization in the mining industry – for example: how can we use visualization to increase the understanding of new digital tools (educating employees)?
For 2024 event, the title is simply “AI in Mining” and we will have presentations on digital twins and simulations, both in extraction and processing, as well as digitalization and traceability along the value chain. There will be one presentation about BIM (Building Information Modeling) and how it can be used in the mining industry and we will have a presentation of AARP (Australian Automation and Robotics Precinct), a testing ground for the future of automation, robotics and remote operations in Western Australia.
Links to previous webinars:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poh7UpeBojk&t=68s (2021)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQ22TJzAuUI (2022)
AI in Mining with Swedish Mining Innovation and Örebro University (youtube.com) (2023)