It was two days in Luleå filled with discussions, presentations and networking on the latest research advances, common challenges and the way forward. Sustainability taken seriously, unity, strong innovation system, but also need for even more internationalization – Five key takeaways as the mining industry’s leading researchers and innovators gathered at the annual Swedish Mining Research and Innovation Days.
👫 Sustainability is real – and everyone from left to right is on board with the mission
– What strikes us is your unity around sustainability in the future of mining. There is not the same polarization, but whether you are right or left politically. Everyone in this sector is working towards the goal, to build a future where we live within the limits of the planet. We can learn a lot from you, says David Welsh, Sun Corridor Inc. Executive Vice President, Arizona.
🤝 Consistency in challenges and needs
– We see a clear consensus and commitment to meet our challenge of access to metals and minerals needed to achieve a sustainable society. Here we are joining forces to create critical mass rather than competing, which is of course fundamental to solving the challenges we face, says Maria Swartling, Program Director for Metals & Minerals.
🌳 Strong mining industry ecosystem is the basis for innovation
– The mining industry has a strong ecosystem of small companies, industries and cutting-edge research. The key to success now lies in collaborations where we include different perspectives. The big step forward will come when we can connect different processes and value chains within the industry. That’s when we will see important innovation and progress, says Katarina Öquist, R&D Manager Technology an Innovation Underground Division, Epiroc.
🌎A broader mining cluster is now needed internationally
– We need to build bigger networks, more of a European mining cluster, rather than just a Swedish one. Taking advantage of other countries’ experiences and funding opportunities can only strengthen Europe’s competitiveness, says Anders Sand, Research Manager, Boliden Mineral AB.
🇪🇺 The EU needs to shape funding to meet its long-term goals
– We need to rethink how we organize and support research and development to truly meet the 2040 and 2050 targets. To do so, we need to share best practices and ensure that these are widely implemented, says Daniel Cios, Policy Officer at the European Commission.
Anders Sand, Filip Simán, Katarina Öquist, Jenny Greberg & Graham Aid
Ervin C. Veress, Mellisa Tenaka Mundida & Jenny Isaksson
Bergforsk Stiftelsens Utmärkelse för den bästa Masteruppsatsen, Licentiatuppsatsen och Doktorsavhandlingen presenterades och utdelades i slutet av dag ett, av stiftelsens nya ordförande, Susanne Eriksson Rostmark, LKAB. Vinnarna var:
Bästa Masteruppsatsen – Investigating the effect of grinding method on ore beneficiation behaviour, Mellisa Tanaka Mundida, Luleå Tekniska Universitetet
Bästa Licentiatuppsatsen – Crustal architecture of the Kiruna mining district – Structural framework, geological modeling, and physical rock property distribution, Ervin C. Veress, Luleå Tekniska Universitetet
Bästa Doktorsavhandlingen – Settling Mechanisms of Valuable Metal Droplets in Iron Silicate Slag, Jenny Isaksson, Luleå Tekniska Universitetet
En av de positiva reflektionerna från årets evenemang var det stora antalet internationella deltagare och organisationer, från Finland till Australien. Till nästa år siktar vi på ett större evenemang med ett program som sammanfattar allt det positiva som programmet har bidragit till och som vi kan komplettera med nya ämnen, fler utställare och förhoppningsvis en ytterligare ökning av internationella deltagare och talare.
Maria Swartling, Program Director Metals & Minerals & Charlotte Andersson, Moderator and Programme Director, Swedish Mining Innovation
Audience interactions
Innovation Showroom
Smart Exploration Research Centre, knowledge and innovation for 21st century mineral exploration, Alireza Malehmir, Uppsala University
Business Sweden and Sustainable Mining, Mikael Johansson, Business Sweden
Environmental Governance Programme, Hugo Pedrosa Latorre, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Holisticic Value Model for the mining industry, “ESG-adjusted NPV-model”, Lisa Ek & Niklas Grönberg, Nordic Strategy Partners
Mistra Mineral Governance, André Månberger, Lund University
Waste2Place, Ramón Sánchez, Geomorphic Design Lead, VAST Landscape Architecture
More presentations coming soon
Charlotte Andersson, Programme Director, Swedish Mining Innovation, May 9 2023, Kulturens hus Luleå.
A novel biobased flotation process Presenter: Katerina Hruzova, PhD student, Luleå University of Technology
Nexgen SIMS Presenter: Niclas Dahlström, Project Manager, LTU Business
The imminent revolution in mining: Low energy Comminution Presenter: Magnus Evertsson, Associate Professor, Product Development, Chalmers University of Technology
Hypex Bio Presenter: Thomas Gustavsson, CEO, Hypex Bio Explosives Technology
Impact of miNing-project on the reduction of nitrogen discharges in mining processes Presenter: Roger Herbert, Associate Professor, Uppsala University
Mining with Nature and CLIMB Presenter: Kristina Branteryd, Director Environment, Svemin
EU policy on Raw Materials and R&I Presenter: Daniel Cios, Policy Officer, European Commission
ERA-MIN Presenter: Dina Carrilho, PhD Senior Science Officer, Department of International Relations, Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal
ETP SMR Presenter: Katarina Nilsson, President ETP SMR
Business Sweden sustainable mining Presenter: Keith Taylor, Global Program Manager, Business Sweden