Virtual Reality (VR) as a demonstrator and learning platform of sustainable, modern and innovative mining


Luleå tekniska universitet


LTU, Boliden, LKAB, Epiroc, Tekniska museét, Teknikens hus

Hans Åhlin



Partners: LTU, Boliden, LKAB, Epiroc, Tekniska museet, Teknikens hus

The project aims, by using a VR-mining environment, to reach out to young people to give them some basic knowledge and interest about the sustainable mining. In Sweden, there are 20 Science Centers and the environment is already used permanently in two of them (The Technical House in Luleå and in The Technical museum in Stockholm). The project will contact the other Swedish
Science Centers and present the VR-environment. They will be offered the use of the VR-environment for free and the project will give them support and if needed education. The project will as well, according to input from the Science Centers, do minor updates on its VR-environment and the VR-education modules that were developed during the SIMS-project in 2017-2020. The overall goal for the project is to make young people interested in European sustainable innovative mines.

We want to get young people interested in working in the mining business and understand the need of sustainable mines as an enabler for the modern society.
