Updated roadmap for a competitive fossil-free mining and minerals industry in Sweden


Hanna Stenegren




Purpose and goal

The project aims to update the Roadmap for a competitive fossil-free mining and minerals industry in Sweden, so that it corresponds to the latest estimates, gives a clear overview of the projects for climate transition that are going on in the industry, identifies research and innovation needs to implement the roadmap, and highlights mining products as enablers for products required in the climate transition in a European and global perspective.

Expected results and effects

The result will be an updated roadmap based on a fact-based and common view of the latest state of knowledge, which points out which alternatives are considered most relevant today to become fossil-free, and the conditions for different path choices. A perspective on the climate benefits of Swedish products will be developed. An assessment of society´s short-term and long-term needs for metals and minerals will also be included, and related to Sweden´s potential to contribute to meeting Sweden´s and the EU´s metal and mineral needs.

Planned approach and implementation

The project is carried out in two background reports, and the updated roadmap is made on the basis of these. 1. Ambition increases, investments and projects in the industry; electricity needs and other conditions for implementation, are identified in dialogue with the industry´s companies 2. Future-oriented exploration of what the fossil-free mine of the future may look like 3. Calculation of and potential for global climate benefit of the mining and mineral industry´s current and future products 4. Identification of related research needs to realize the roadmap 5. Communication
