Dynamic testing of full rock support systems for underground mines


Lars Sandberg




Purpose and goal

The pre-study will investigate the prerequisites for building a test facility for dynamic testing of full rock support systems. The result shall be the base for building a subsequent full-scale innovation project where 1) new methods and equipment’s for dynamic testing of full rock support systems are developed, installed, and made available for industry and academia at Swerim´s test facility in Luleå, and 2) Tests will be performed and results coupled with empirical shotcrete design guidelines to provide recommendations for selecting surface support/reinforcement.

Expected results and effects

The results of the pre-study will be directly implemented in a project proposal for a full-scale innovation project where new methods and equipment for dynamic testing of full rock support systems are developed, installed, and made available for industry and academia at Swerim´s test facility in Luleå. A technical feasibility study and risk analysis as well as investigation on available funding will be performed before deciding on the start with a proposal for next phase.

Planned approach and implementation

The project will be carried out in 6 work packages: WP 1, Project coordination WP 2, Investigate and define the load cases and failure mechanisms for rock support systems in underground mines WP 3, SoTA – Dynamic testing of full rock support systems WP 4, Develop test set-up to represent the selected load cases and develop a conceptual design solution WP 5, Budget and time schedule for establishing the test facility WP 6, Estimate costs for performing tests in the facility WP 7, Develop a project plan for the subsequent full-scale project
