SveMins CEO Per Ahl about the importance of SIP STRIM for Swedish mining and metal producing industry.
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Sip Strim Update – June
In this STRIM update you can read about our new call that is open for applications until November, and about the three new exciting strategic projects focusing on sustainability that we´ve launched this…
Roadmap for a sustainable future
SIP STRIM is financing a unique research collaboration between the Stockholm Environment Institute and SveMin, to push the mining and mineral industry in a more sustainable direction. The purpose of the project is…
Hör vår Teknik- och innovationsansvariga om senaste utlysningen
Vår teknik- och innovationsansvariga Jenny Greberg om nya utlysningen och om jämställdhetskriterierna som är nya för i år. Läs mer och se hela utlysningen här