Great participation at AI in Mining Workshop



The event AI in mining workshop, which took place on February 14, was arranged by Swedish Mining Innovation together with AI Impact Lab in the new visualization environment at Örebro University, Visual Lab.

Hi Lotta, you were the project manager for the event AI in Mining Workshop, held in Örebro in February. Congratulations on the success of the event! Whats thoughts do you have on the day?
-It was an incredibly inspiring group that gathered in Örebro and I think that the mix of skills was what gave the most energy and new thoughts and ideas. In Sweden, we are good at collaborating and creating innovative solutions together, and I think it is important that we under such forms, where we have many different experts in place hear about how new technology has been applied in other areas; what can we learn, for example, from how to create a digital twin of Norrköping when we want to measure energy consumption in the mine or how to visualize different scenarios and environments when we plan for a new mining establishment?

John Swift from Epiroc, Div.Chile and Argentina, was one of the speakers and on site in Örebro. He had an interesting input on why Sweden is so successful when it comes to innovation and also in the forefront of technology development. Can you elaborate why that is?

-Sweden is in the forefront of technology development. Our culture and way of collaborating is in many ways innovation-promoting. Swift specifically mentioned the value of a coffee break or ”Swedish Fika” for problem solving; something he has noticed has spread from the Swedish Epiroc to, for example, the Chilean mining company Codelco.

–”When you encounter problems and do not know how to take it further, what are the next steps to solve it? Then we take it over a cup of coffee instead, dispel the thoughts a little and get new ones.”

There were many international guests who attended via link, from countries such as Belgium, Spain and Austria, to name a few? Why do you think that is?

-We have a broad international network within Swedish Mining Innovation, and the issues we work with are global challenges, so when we advertise this type of event, it reaches out to many and also the interest in efficiency and increased sustainability through AI and digitalization is huge in the mining industry.

What will be the next step for you within the mining cluster and what does the future hold?

-Well, continue to look at increased collaboration between industry, academia when it comes to sustainability. Some examples could be the work with visualization and digital twins that could serve as communication tools in the mining sector. For example, it could be used to show how we work with safety and sustainability, but also for other things such as engaging society more in issues related to where and how we mine metals and minerals, i.e. the resources that society demands, says Lotta Sartz.


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