Swedish Mining Research and Innovation Days 2024 – Kulturens hus, Luleå

6 –7 May 2024

Innovation needs and landscape – today and tomorrow

We meet in early May to highlight and discuss the current and critical issues in the mining and metal sector. We will highlight today’s innovation needs and what the innovation landscape looks like. What will mining over the next century look like? What do triple helix funding opportunities look like? How do we ensure that we make optimal choices as we move forward with the green transition? These are just some of the topics we address during this year’s edition of Sweden Mining Research and Innovation Days.

We need you, your knowledge, experience and thoughts to make a great event. Together we can take the steps towards a sustainable society and future.

Come and enjoy lunch, listen to exciting presentations and projects, network with our exhibitors over a cup of coffee and mingle with new acquaintances with something nice to drink and canapés on the plate. Welcome!

Sign up here!




May 6– Innovation of Today

11.30 – 13.00 Registration and Lunch, Kulturens hus, Luleå

13.00 Welcome, Moderator Charlotte Andersson, Programme Director Swedish Mining Innovation

Triple helix funding opportunities
Maria Sunér, Chair of Metals & Minerals Steering Committee
Maria Swartling, Program Director, Metals & Minerals
Lawrence Hooey, Technology and Innovation Manager, Metals & Minerals
Tobias Kampmann, Program Manager Vinnova
Klara Helstad, Head of Sustainable Industry Unit, Swedish Energy Agency

Capacity building
Alireza Malehmir, Professor and Director of Smart Exploration Research Center, Uppsala University
Susanne Eriksson Rostmark, External FoI Collaboration manager, LKAB
Saeed Chehreh Chelgani, Associate Professor, Director of the Swedish School of Mines, Luleå University of Technology

14.15-14.45 Coffee and mingle in the Innovation Showroom

14.45 Raw Material Resilience – a sustainable supply of metals and minerals
Niklas Rossbach, Senior Research Fellow, The Swedish Institute of International Affairs
Susanne Norgren, Group Expert Sandvik
André Månberger, Senior Lecturer, Lund University
Magnus Ericsson, Adjunct professor, Luleå University of Technology
Maria Sunér, CEO Svemin

Energy effective processes – minimizing need for new green energy
Fredrik Engström, Vice President Electricity Solutions, H2 Green Steel
Magnus Evertsson, Professor and Head of Rock Processing Systems at Chalmers University of Technology
Klara Helstad, Head of Sustainable Industry Unit, Swedish Energy Agency
Per Lundström, Head of Strategy Mineral Processing, LKAB

Bergforsk Awards
Bergforsk Foundation’s awards for the best Master’s, Licentiate and PhD theses

17.00-19.00 Mingle and networking


May 7– Innovation of Tomorrow

Registration from 08.00, Kulturens hus, Luleå

08.30 Welcome, Moderator Charlotte Andersson, Programme Director Swedish Mining Innovation

Mining and metal-produktion by 2050 – how far have we come by then?
Graham Aid, Group Innovation Coordinator and Strategist, Ragn-Sells AB
Katarina Öquist, R&D Manager Technology an Innovation Underground Division, Epiroc
Jenny Greberg, Vice President Technology, LKAB
Anders Sand, Research Manager, Boliden Mineral AB
Filip Simán, Doctoral Student, Luleå University of Technology

Accelerating international collaboration – Opportunities and challenges
Daniel Cios, Policy Officer European Commission.
Hugo Pedrosa Latorre, International Project Manager, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Mikael Johansson, Head of Global Mining Program and Head of Key Accounts, Manufacturing & Materials, Business Sweden
Katarina Nilsson, President ETP SMR and Director Research and Innovation, Svemin
Tobias Kampmann, Programme Manager Vinnova

10.15-10.45 Coffee and mingle in the Innovation Showroom

10.45 Optimal choices – how do we make the right decisions?
The holistic value model – Lisa Ek & Niklas Grönberg, Partners and Managing Directors, Nordic Strategy Partners
Waste2Place – Ramon Sanchez, Geomorphic Design Lead, VAST Landscape Architecture
Trace4Value – Malin Rosqvist, Program director, Process Industrial IT and Automation (PiiA)
Maria Swartling, Program Director, Metals & Minerals

Innovation by 2050 – what the next century could hold?

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch


Innovation Showroom 

Discover and connect with some of the projects and initiatives withing our mining community.


Exhibitor List

Swedish Mining Innovation SME Network

Swedish Mining Innovation PhD Network

Sattajärvi Sameby


Waste2Place/Re:moss, VAST Landscape Architecture/Boreal Orchards

Impact Innovation/Metals & Minerals

ARBS: Energy Efficient Comminution

Innovating for a sustainable future, LKAB


Sign up here!


Upcoming events

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