Swedish Mining Innovation Program day – a digital drop in/drop out event

5 October 2021

Date: 5 October 2021
Time: 9.45-ca 14.45
Place: Digital event via Teams

The program day will be held in English.

What is at the forefront of Swedish mining innovation?

Join us for a digital buffet of presentations from Swedish Mining Innovation’s project portfolio.

You will receive up-to-date information on what is going on along the entire value chain, everything from the program’s major strategic investments to updates from ongoing full-scale projects, pilot projects and pre-studies. We will also present our open calls, and this year’s two innovation idea competition winners will join us and talk about their future plans.

Join us the whole day, or listen in to what interests you.

Warm welcome!


Moderator: Niclas Dahlström, Swedish Mining Innovation

9.45, Welcome to Swedish Mining Innovation Program day 2021

  • Swedish Mining Innovation, open calls and funding opportunities, Jenny Greberg and Lawrence Hooey, Swedish Mining Innovation
  • Information from Vinnova, Rebecca Hollertz, Vinnova

10.00,  Selected on-going activities

  • Inclusive innovation, Melinda From, RISE
  • Swedish Mining Innovation Phd student network, Filip Siman, LTU

10.15, Social sustainability

    • MINEDEER, Anna Skarin, SLU
    • Metals4U+: Mineral raw materials for a green and digital future, Stefan Sädbom, Bergskraft
    • Society´s future needs for metals and minerals for a sustainable and digital society in a 2030 and 2050 perspective, Katarina Persson, Svemin
    • National network for mining municipalities, Anna K Kostet, Georange

10.35, Environment impact

  • Removal of mercury from sulfuric acid production, Björn Wickman, Chalmers
  • Impacts of mining dust deposition on forest biodiversity and ecosystem services (MINEDUST), Jörgen Sjögren, SLU
  • Hydrogen Peroxide Emulsion, Tim Hunt, AB Etken Teknologi
  • Organosolv lignin hydrophobic nanoparticles as low-carbon-footprint biodegradable flotation collectors, Katerina Hruzova, LTU
  • CLImB – Changing Land use Impact on Biodiversity, Carina Andersson, Ecogain

11.00, Paus

11.15, Metallurgy and recycling

  • Sustainable REcovVEry of phosphorous from mine tAiLings, Katerina Hruzova, LTU
  • Recovery of lithium from the batteries via enhanced chemical transformations using waste carbon and water leaching, Martina Petranikova, Chalmers
  • Sulfur removal from sulphur containing iron ores, Mikael Larsson, Swerim
  • ROMI: Role of Magnesium in iron oxide pelletizing, Charlotte Andersson, LTU
  • Transforming mining residues to valuable products, Hesham Ahmed, LTU
  • Prestudy of rocks comminution with very high pulsed microwave power, Dragos Dancila, UU
  • Efficient comminution operation (ECO), Andreas Johansson, LTU
  • Optimized roasting of complex copper sulphide concentrates for flexible raw material utilization, Caisa Samuelsson, LTU

12.00-13.00, Lunch

13.00, Mining

  • Digital-Twin enabled Transition into Electromobility and Autonomy in Construction Equipment (eTWIN), Alessandro Bertoni, Bleking institute of technology
  • Numerical Simulation for Optimisation of Rock Drilling and Loading for Mining, Simon Larsson, LTU
  • Virtual Reality Based Teleoperation with Adaptive Autonomy for Remote Shared Control of Mobile Manipulators, Andrey Kiselev, ÖU
  • Destressing strategies for mining under highly stressed conditions in the deep mines of Sweden, Ping Zhang, LTU
  • Safe Remote Drilling through Predictive Modeling of Hydraulic Hoses, Todor Stoyanov, ÖU
  • Automated Planning and Coordination of Autonomous Haulers in Underground Mines, Anna Mannucci, ÖU
  • G-drones, Anton Koval, LTU
  • Automated Drill Planning for Multiple-Boom Rigs in Underground Mining, Shiyu Zhang, ÖU

13.45, Paus

14.00, cont. Mining

  • Tracking and Control of Articulated Machines through Remote Sensing, Todor Stoyanov, ÖU
  • Improved resource efficiency through dynamic loading control II, Sohail Manzoor, LTU
  • High Resolution Magnetic Surveying using UAV, Karl Westerlund, Swedish Geological AB

14.20, Swedish Mining Innovation Innovation Idea Competition

2021 years winners

  • Bayesian Estimation of Mine Induced Seismicity (BEMIS), Jesper Martinsson, RS Solutions AB
  • Hydrogen Explosives Biodegradable and Nitrate Free Civil Explosives, Thomas Gustavsson, Hypex Bio Explosives Technology AB

14.30-14.45, Summary of the day



Registration is closed.



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