Case closed: Better navigation in smoke-filled mines

LKAB is now looking for a solution for better navigation and communication in smoke-filled mines. This is necessary to improve the working environment for rescue personnel, but also to increase the efficiency of dealing with potential fire incidents.

In Sweden, the municipal rescue services have the main responsibility for responding to such situations, but they need cooperation and support from LKAB’s internal rescue service. This internal rescue service must maintain a high level of preparedness and have access to appropriate equipment and communication tools to ensure that operations are carried out safely for all involved. As traditional IR cameras do not work optimally in mining environments, other technologies are required to navigate and communicate effectively in these demanding environments. In addition, it is of utmost importance that personnel can move smoothly with this equipment.

Contact for more information

If you want to know more about this case, contact Erik Hagenrud, SME Network Coordinator.

Erik Hagenrud

Network coordinator

+46 (0)70 237 40 71

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