SURVEYOR: Examination of ventilation systems in foundries with robots and stationary sensors

Purpose and goal Ventilation systems are very important in foundries, mines and other working environments. Despite this, no surveillance techniques that capture the complexity of indoor ventilation have yet been developed. SURVEYOR evaluates…

Performance and wear prediction in pipe mills

Purpose and goal The main scientific objective of the proposed project is to build physically realistic numerical models for grinding materials in pipe mills. The purpose is to improve the understanding of the…

Pre-Study – Hybrid Particle Breakage Model in DEM

Purpose and goal Crushing and milling of rock is estimated to account for 1–2% of global energy consumption. Virtual testing environments of processes for decomposition, classification and separation of ore and minerals are…

Organosolv lignin hydrophobic nanoparticles as low-carbonfootprint biodegradable flotation collectors (LIGNOFLOT)

Purpose and goal 1. Establish a novel sustainable flotation process for the extraction of base metals from sulfide ores based on the replacement of toxic xanthate derivatives with biodegradable non-toxic lignin nanoparticles 2….

Digital twins for increased efficiency in mineral technology processes

Purpose and goal The project aims at investigating how mineral engineering processes can be controlled more efficiently and more sustainably by using digital twins of the processes. The project will focus on how…

MinFroth – Characterisation of froth in mineral flotation of sulphide ore

Purpose and goal The objective of this pre-study is to provide and demonstrate an effective approach for characterisation of froth in mineral flotation. The approach focuses on using a portable dynamic foam analyzer,…

Energy efficient and intensified leaching with ultrasound controlled cavitation

Purpose and goal The project is a further development of an ultrasonic controlled cavitation reactor for leaching of minerals and by-products that are known to be very difficult to leach (scheelite). The purpose…

Efficient comminution operation (ECO)

Purpose and goal Comminution (crushing and grinding) accounts for about 4% of the world’s energy consumption. Moreover, the environmental impacts from the production of tailings due to overgrinding can be significant. In this…

Sustainable and energy efficient leaching of metals by ultrasound controlled cavitation

Purpose and goal Controlled ultrasound cavitation has the potential to increase both leaching recovery and kinetics and can be utilised on minerals and by-products known to be difficult to leach (scheelite concentrates and…