Traceability – for sustainable metals and minerals


RISE Research Institute of Sweden AB


Svemin, LTU

Frida Höjvall



Aim and objectives

There is an increasing demand for responsibly produced metals and minerals. With accepted criteria for responsible production, combined with a system to trace metals and minerals through the value chain this demand will create an incentive for a sustainable production. At the same time, this may create a competitive advantage for those producers that have already adapted to high sustainability standards. This project will focus on traceability to identify and evaluate existing initiatives and different approaches and concepts.

An establishment of a traceability process will favour the Swedish mining industry, which qualifies among world leading actors in sustainable mining. The project will study how traceability can offer buyers of metals and minerals an option to choose a guaranteed “sustainability level”. This also unlocks the possibility for downstream consumers, investors, NGOs and policymakers to agree on a certain level of sustainability. The expected result is an analysis of processes ready to be tested in a pilot study as the next step.

Final report

TRACEABILITY OF SUSTAINABLE METALS – a blockchain-based solution


Traceability of sustainable metals – a blockchain-based solution

The project is part of Svemins initiative Mineralbidraget
#mineralbidraget – branschens bidrag till det långsiktigt hållbara samhället
