HIPECS – High-performence computation of comminution in large particle systems


Pär Jonsén




Purpose and goal

Crushing and grinding are energy-intensive processes. There is a need for innovation in the area to drastically reduce energy consumption. Virtual development is a keystone for further improving existing equipment and, more importantly, developing new machine concepts. Rock material can be modeled with a discrete element method (DEM). A new AI-based framework will be developed in this feasibility study, which bridges the gap between high-resolution individual particles and large-scale particle system simulations.

Expected results and effects

The project addresses the necessary reduction of Swedish, European and global energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from comminution. The technical challenge of energy efficiency can be met by new technology. Therefore, more advanced digitization and virtual development tools are needed to facilitate and accelerate the innovation process. Results are packaged as a software innovation, so new business opportunities will also stimulate development and progress. Future project will be the opportunities for equipment manufacturers and mining companies.

Planned approach and implementation

To achieve this objective, four work packages have been defined. The sub-activities are centered around an introductory workshop where the theoretical basis for is developed. Each team will then develop the necessary mathematical and numerical model needed to interact with the AI framework. In practice, this means that LTU will perform a series of single-particle fracture simulations, the AI framework will be trained on this data, and the trained AI model will be linked to the FCC model for polyhedral degradation / fracture.

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