Webinar: AI – a necessary enabler for sustainable mining production!?

17 February 2021

Time: 17 February, 13.00-16.00
Place: Digital event
The event will be held in English.

What exactly is AI? And how can AI create value ??and increase the competitiveness of the Swedish mining industry?

We will dive into these and other relevant issues in an afternoon. We will listen to talks from prominent people in the field and also have representatives from academia and the mining companies give their views on how to work with AI as an enabler for a sustainable industry. And what challenges do they see?

The digital event is a follow-up to the previously appreciated workshop “AI in Mining – Hype and Hope” which was held just over a year ago.


Program (preliminary)

Welcome from Swedish Mining Innovation
Jenny Greberg and Lotta Sartz, Swedish Mining Innovation

Welcome from Örebro and Örebro University
Regional council Irén Lejegren, Örebro and Principale Johan Schnürer, Örebro university

AI – What it means and how we accelerate the use in Sweden
Daniel Gillblad, Co-Director Scientific Visions, AI Sweden

AI and robots serving  society – How does the future look?
Fredrik Löfgren, AI expert (About Fredrik)

AI research at the forefront

  • Concrete Research examples of AI & Robotics in Mining at ORU
    Amy Loutfi, Pro-vice-chancellor, Artificial Intelligence, Örebro University
  • Field AI for enhancing mining operations
    George Nikolakopoulos, Professor and Head of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, Luleå University of Technology


AI as an enabler for a competitive and sustainable mining industry
The mining companies about their AI work

  • Technology vision for future mining
    Nikolaos Petropoulos, Senior Research Engineer, LKAB
  • Artificial intelligence maturity at Boliden
    David Degerfeldt, Program Manager, Artificial Intelligence in Mining, Boliden Mines

Showcase examples of AI and mining

  • AI in underground loaders
    Ola Pettersson, Manager Platform Development, Epiroc Rock Drills
  • Intelligent Radars for Smart Mining
    Iman Vakili, Founder and CEO, Sencept

Panel discussion 

Wrap up of the day and the next possible steps

Did you miss the webinar? Now you can see most parts of it here!

00.00 – Welcome from Swedish Mining Innovation, Jenny Greberg and Lotta Sartz, Swedish Mining Innovation
00.04 – Welcome from Örebro and Örebro University, Regional council Irén Lejegren, Örebro and Principale Johan Schnürer, Örebro university
00.10 – AI – What it means and how we accelerate the use in Sweden, Daniel Gillblad, Co-Director Scientific Visions, AI Sweden
00.26 – Field AI for enhancing mining operations George Nikolakopoulos, Professor and Head of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, Luleå University of Technology
00.40 – Concrete Research examples of AI & Robotics in Mining at ORU Amy Loutfi, Pro-vice-chancellor, Artificial Intelligence, Örebro University
00.50 – Technology vision for future mining, Nikolaos Petropoulos, Senior Research Engineer, LKAB
01.05 – Artificial intelligence maturity at Boliden, David Degerfeldt, Program Manager, Artificial Intelligence in Mining, Boliden Mines
01.15 – Chilean mining company Codelco’s wiev on AI
01.25 – Ola Pettersson, Manager Platform Development, Epiroc Rock Drills
01.35 – Panel discussion
01.55 – Wrap up



Register at the latest, 15 February. Instructions on how to connect will be sent out to registered the day before the event. Participation is free of charge.

Registration is closed, please contact Terese Ahlbäck if you wish to participate (terese.ahlback@swedishmininginnovation.se)



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