Mining Innovation for a Sustainable Society

8 February 2024

8 February 2024, 13:00 – 16:00 via Teams

Join us for presentations from Swedish Mining Innovation’s Strategic Projects in three themes: Environment, Social Sustainability, and National and International Innovation Landscape. There will be presentations and some time for questions and discussion. The webinar will be held in English.

Deadline for registration is 7 February, kl.13.00. A link to the webinar will be sent to you on the day before the event.


Registration here!

Preliminary Agenda

13:00        Introduction, Swedish Mining Innovation


Environmental sustainability

13:05        Mining with Nature – Net Gain!, Boliden

13:30        Environmental permitting process, implementation of water directive, evaluating consequences for Swedish mining, Georange


13:55-14:05 Break


Social Sustainability and Resilience

14:05        Metals and minerals – for a sustainable society, IVA

14:30        Holistic Value Model for the mining industry, Nordic Strategy Partners


14:55-15:05 Break


Innovation Landscape

15:05        Gap analysis of Swedish Research and Innovation Funding, LTU Business

15:30        Global Executive Insights – Global mining overview and mapping of innovation landscape, Business Sweden


15:55 – 16:00  Closing, Swedish Mining Innovation


Registration here!


Questions: Lawrence Hooey


Upcoming events

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Swedish Mining Innovation’s Programme Day 2024, Stockholm

More information to come but you can register via the link below. Sign up now!

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