Organosolv lignin hydrophobic nanoparticles as low-carbonfootprint biodegradable flotation collectors (LIGNOFLOT)

Purpose and goal 1. Establish a novel sustainable flotation process for the extraction of base metals from sulfide ores based on the replacement of toxic xanthate derivatives with biodegradable non-toxic lignin nanoparticles 2….

MinFroth – Characterisation of froth in mineral flotation of sulphide ore

Purpose and goal The objective of this pre-study is to provide and demonstrate an effective approach for characterisation of froth in mineral flotation. The approach focuses on using a portable dynamic foam analyzer,…

FloccFines – Flocculation of fine particles in mineral flotation of copper-lead-zinc sulphide ores

Purpose and goal There are several industrial advantages with a cost and time effective way to evaluate new flocculants in mineral flotation. The main objective of this project was therefore to demonstrate an…

Designed collectors for selective flotation

Purpose and goal The aims were to synthesise a new collector with two functional xanthate headgroups to test selectivity for Cu-Ni sulphides in one of Boliden’s ores compared with PAX used today. A…

ScreenFloat – Screening of flotation reagents–minerals interactions: a surface chemistry approach

Purpose and goal There are several industrial relevant advantages with a fast screening method compared to the normal procedure used for testing of new ideas, i.e. batch-wise laboratory flotation tests. The main objective…

Use of nanocellulose for surface modification of magnetite and silicate in mineral pulps

Purpose and goal The project shows that nano-entities can, to a large extent, modify the surface charge of magnetite and quartz. Micro-flotation shows that nano-entities can induce hydrophobicity to mineral surfaces. Mini-flotation, with…

HIFLOAT – Individual sizing of flotation cells

Purpose and goal The overall objective of the proposed work is to investigate the effects of different flotation cell height to diameter ratios in order to identify optimal aspect ratios for flotation cells…